Sunday 29 November 2015

Sharing a Hills Christmas

This year Wattle Grove Primary are again in providing care packages to needy local families.  Room 17 have been asked to provide Christmas Cake.  If you would like to donate please send these in with your child.  Thank you.

Friday 20 November 2015


Room 17 have been doing great at EduDance lessons. And they have been enjoying it too!!  They will be looking great and dancing fantastically for the Presentation Night on 15 December.  Dress requirements for the night are: own bright coloured clothes, long colourful socks - knee high and sneakers.  Students are allowed to have red face paint for rosy cheeks and coloured hair spray but this must be put on before coming to the presentation and MUST be washed out before school the next morning.


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Swimming Starts Next Week!!!

Our swimming lessons will start on Monday.  I am still waiting for 8 notes and money to come in.  These need to be sent to the pool tomorrow to allocate classes so please send them in ASAP.

During swimming weeks students can wear their bathers under their uniforms. Usual uniform footwear must be worn until we go to the pool.

Remember to bring:
- underwear!!!
- towel
- goggles
- plastic bag to put all wet stuff in 
- thongs to wear to and from the pool

Ensure that everything is labelled with the students name. 

Students can still order from the canteen however, there will be NO HOT LUNCHES available for our class due to the time we are swimming. When placing canteen orders please write 'swim group 4' on the bag.

Recess will be at 10.15 - 10.35 and our lunch break will be 1.00-1.30. 

If you have any questions regarding swimming please come in and ask. 

Sunday 8 November 2015

Week 5 Notes

Swimming Notes
Swimming notes went home last week.  Swimming is part of the Physical Education program and therefore all students need to be participating.  Please complete the forms and return with money as soon as possible.

Talk Homework and WPW
I am very disappointed to see that only half the class are completing their Talk Homework and Word Problem Wednesdays.  Please take time to work through these with your child and have them ready at school on Thursday mornings.

It is great to see that most the class are wearing the correct uniform.  Some students are not wearing the correct footwear though - they are only to wear mainly white or black shoes, white socks and white laces.  Please see that your child is wearing the correct uniform to school everyday.

Keylinks Books
During Literacy Rotations, students read Keylinks books.  Once a book is completed they take it home to read out loud to their parents/guardians then return the books to school.  I am currently chasing up a lot of these books that have not been returned.  Please ensure these are put straight into school bags ready to be returned.

Absent Notes
I am chasing up a number of absent notes from students who have been away.  Please remember that there are a number of ways to report absences, however we must have it from a parent/guardian - not a child.  You can call the school, email, use the app or write a note. Thank you to those who are prompt with this.